Resilience #3 Button It

I recently attended Joseph’s 100th birthday party.  It was quite a thing to behold; lots of family, friends and well-wishers joining in the birthday festivities.  As you can imagine, it was an event worthy of a little bit of thought. 100th birthdays don’t come along too often, so it’s worth getting right.

Due consideration was given to the food, venue, decorations and invitations.

Gifts, too.  Joseph didn’t want any.  

Not in a begrudging curmudgeonly way, but in a contented happy-with-my-lot abundant way.  The only thing Joseph needs at 100 years young, it seems, is chocolate buttons.  Chocolate buttons work when you’re four years old and 100 years old.

Only, when you’re four, the big day is, well… big.  It’s a big day that’s looked forward to and you lose sleep over and (in my experience) can’t wait for.  There’s a big count down.

When you’re 100, it’s the days in between your birthdays that really matter.  I’ve a feeling that Joseph celebrates everyday as a special day.  Rather than counting down he’s counting up; adding rather than subtracting.

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘everything in moderation’.  But maybe ‘moderation’ is everything.  When you realise you have enough, you truly do.  If the small everyday ‘chocolate-button’ magic is readily attainable, perhaps we should be shifting our focus from the horizon – from what’s out there – to what’s right here.  To what’s easily obtainable right in front of us.  

Maybe presence truly is the best present you will ever receive.  And a few chocolate buttons, of course.

Many Happy Returns, Joseph.